Master Chef Competition for Grade I to III will be held on 02-08-2019 (Friday).

Dear Parents,
We are glad to inform you that we have “Master Chef” Competition for Grade:I to III on 02-08-2019 (Friday).

Theme: Food without Fire.

The purpose of this competition is to provide the children, the opportunity to have hands on experience of preparing various easy making, healthy recipes and to make aware of healthy food habits.

Criteria for the Competition:1.Creativity-5M,2.Taste-5M,3.Presentation with nutritional value-5M,4.Hygiene-5M,5.Texture-5M,Total-25M.Regards Principal.

Criteria for Judgement

1.Creativity – 5M
2.Taste – 5M
3.Presentation with Nutritional Value – 5M
4.Hygiene – 5M
5.Texture – 5M

Total – 25M
